MERKUR utility supplies are a significant
part of our business activities, particularly
products installed in LV and MV electricity
networks, telecommunication networks
and railway systems. MERKUR specia-
lises in:
naturally grown creosoted wooden
utility poles (Pinus Silvestris)
induo® fabricated wooden poles
made from FSH (construction wood)
induo® utility pole systems complete
with crossarm
The induo® utility pole systems were de-
in co-operation with leading Ger-
man power utility companies, establishing a German wooden
pole system standard
for LV and MV networks. RWE Germany, a
major market player in the utility sector,
specifies induo® utility pole systems as
their standard wooden pole equipment.
The induo® fabricated wooden poles made
from FSH (construction wood) have also
been developed for railway tracks of the
Deutsche Bahn (DB) as a welcome alterna-tive to concrete poles and steel pole
For many years we have been success-
fully supplying turn-key contractors in
African and Arabien
markets for their
tender business.
MERKUR supplies other components in
this field such as distribution trans-
formers, ring main units, lightning arres-
tors, power generators and mobile po-
wer plants.